Benefit Matinee Film for Leonard Peltier

Sunday July 26th, 3pm
Colorado Anti-Violence Program Office
304 Elati Street, Denver
A screening of: “Incident at Oglala”
A Matinee Film Benefit for American Indian Movement Political Prisoner,
Leonard Peltier

American Indian Movement leader and organizer, Leonard Peltier, has spent
over 30 years in prison as a result of legal proceedings marred with
doctored evidence, perjured witness testimonies, and falsified evidence.

Leonard’s incarceration is but one story in a chapter of state repression
against indigenous self organizing in the 1970’s. His arrest and
imprisonment came as a direct result of the effectiveness of the American
Indian Movement and others to fight for self determination for indigenous
peoples in the Americas and against continued injustices at the hands of
colonizer governments.

Leonard has been granted a parole hearing date of Tuesday July 28th. His
legal team and the Leonard Peltier Defense-Offense Committee have called for stepped up community based efforts on his behalf in the lead up to
this hearing.

More info about Leonard’s case can be found at:

The Denver Anarchist Black Cross is a new collective in the Denver area
working toward contributing to the defense, both internally and
externally, of social movements working against oppression and for self
determination for all peoples.

All funds generated from this event will go to benefit ongoing legal and
movement building work on Leonard’s behalf.

Questions? Comments?

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