Rene Gonzalez

René González

As of January 2012, René has been released from prison.

René González Sehwerert is part of the Cuban Five and is serving a 15 year sentence.

He was born in Chicago, on August 13, 1956. He grew up in a workingclass family that immigrated from Cuba to the U.S. In 1961 his parents returned to Cuba with their two sons. From 1977 to 1979, González served in Angola and was decorated for bravery. From 1979 to 1982 he studied aviation and graduated as a pilot and flight instructor. He married Olga Salanueva Arango. They have two daughters, 22-year-old Irma, and eight-year-old Ivette. In 1998, a few months before his arrest, Ivette was born. René’s wife Olga has been banned entry to the U.S. by U.S. authorities. Thus she and Ivette are cruelly denied the right to see him. He is writing a book on the irregularities and violations that the Cuban Five were subjected to in the trial. González is sentenced to 15 years and is in F.C.I. Marianna, Florida.