Korea: Ssangyong occupation has ended after many police inflicted casualties

Once the fierce fighting ended yesterday (August 5, 2009), 100 strikers left the occupation throughout the night (many out of disgust at the ruthlessness of the state and company’s violence). At the end of the negotiations last week, management’s last offer was 60% of the workers would accept voluntary retirement (or termination) with 40% taking an unpaid furlough until they’re called back. Negotiations began today at 11:00 a.m., with the union now agreeing to retirement for 52%, with 48% for the furlough. The strike is over and the occupiers will leave the factory any minute.Fighting Korean striker
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0 Responses to Korea: Ssangyong occupation has ended after many police inflicted casualties

  1. Mu Son says:

    ***BreakingNews Update 4:00 p.m. (Korea time)***

    The strikers are leaving the occupied factory, but 20 to 30 have rejected the union and company’s negotiated settlement and remain in the factory.
    … Read More
    We can only wish them luck and offer our solidarity as they refuse to compromise and continue the fight!