Members of the Cuban Five Transferred

Antonio Guerrero (formerly at USP Florence in CO), Fernando Gonzalez, and Ramon Labanino have now been transferred to Miami to await their resentencing, which is still expected to occur on Oct. 13.

Until the resentencing occurs, you
can write to the three at their new

Antonio Guerrero
FDC Miami
P.O. Box 019120
Miami, FL 33101

Luís Medina (NOTE: the envelope should be
addressed to “Luis Medina,” but address the letter inside
to Ramón)
FDC Miami
P.O. Box 019120
Miami, FL 33101

Rubén Campa (NOTE: the envelope should
be addressed to “Rubén Campa,” but address the letter inside
to Fernando)
FDC Miami
P.O. Box 019120
Miami, FL 33101

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