Monthly Archives: August 2009

The Mujeres of the Young Lords

The Mujeres of the Young Lords By Erica González On Sunday, Aug. 23, 2009, the Young Lords Party will have its 40th reunion at the First Spanish Methodist Church in New York City. This article first appeared in Spanish in … Continue reading

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Remembering Sacco and Vanzetti

Sunday, August 23rd, saw the 82nd Anniversary of the executions of Italian Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti at the hands of the state of Massachusetts. Their case still is hailed as a travesty of justice in the United States, … Continue reading

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Leonard Peltier’s Parole DENIED

American Indian Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier has been denied parole by the United States Parole Commission.  This comes after thousands of supporters held vigils, rallies, other events, wrote letters and called in on Leonard’s behalf. If the decision remains, Leonard … Continue reading

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ACLU Files Suit Over Illegal DNC Arrests

Just days before the anniversary of a mass arrest that shut down a downtown protest march during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) last year, eight Plaintiffs represented by lawyers for the ACLU of Colorado filed suit last evening in Denver … Continue reading

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Prison Dispatch from GI Resister Travis Bishop

First off, hello to all those who still support me! Your support, kind words, and well-wishings have truly kept me going through this difficult time. I want to assure everyone, well-wishers and nay-sayers, that I am still 100% confident that … Continue reading

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40 years ago this week: The founding of the Young Lords

This weekend marks the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the revolutionary community organizing group the Young Lords. The group called for self-determination for all Puerto Ricans, community control of institutions and land, freedom for all political prisoners and the … Continue reading

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38 years ago today: The assassination of George Jackson

38 years ago today, on August 21, 1971, Black Panther leader and prison revolutionary George Jackson was killed at San Quentin Prison in California. George’s legacy still haunts the prisons and black communities of the United States, as prisoners and … Continue reading

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Mumia: G20 or more G-Money?

As the G 20 gathers again, they assemble amidst the wreckage of their own creation. Representatives of 20 of the alleged developed economies, they are instead representatives of casino capitalism, the use, misuse and grand-theft of public wealth, to fund … Continue reading

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Take time today to write to two Political Prisoners with August 23rd Birthdays!

Two political prisoners, Maliki Latine, and Russell Maroon Shoats, have birthdays on August 23rd. Take time to write them a card or short letter today, just to let them know your thoughts of love and solidarity are with them, and … Continue reading

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Support Victor Toro, Bronx community organizer facing deportation

From our friends at Rebel Diaz: [youtube=]

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