Monthly Archives: August 2009

Dead Prez’s M1 to star in new film about Political Prisoner and BLA Member Sundiata Acoli

from With their critically-acclaimed independent album ‘Pulse of the People’ currently garnering buzz, the Florida/New York tandem of Dead Prez are now setting their sights on bringing their thought-provoking, politically-minded talents to the big screen. Stic. man and M-1 … Continue reading

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Coverage of Letter Writing Dinner and Solid Political Prisoner Analysis

It’s always good to have independent journalists come to your events because then you get sweet coverage! Evan Herzoff came to Denver ABC’s first Letter Writing Dinner and laid down some solid analysis as to what political prisoners and prisoners … Continue reading

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Israel: PFLP member Ahmad Sa’adat transferred to isolation unit

from Imprisoned Palestinian national leader Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was transferred on August 11, 2009 to Ramon prison in the Naqab desert from Asqelan prison, where he had been … Continue reading

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Aug 14: Court Martial for another Afghanistan War resister

Sgt. Travis Bishop, who served 14 months in Baghdad with the 3rd Signal Brigade, faces a court-martial this Friday for refusing to deploy to Afghanistan. Bishop is the second soldier from Fort Hood in as many weeks to be tried … Continue reading

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Rapper Gets 2 Years In Jail for Song

Florida Rapper Antavio “T.O.” Johnson has received 2 years imprisonment for his song “Kill Me A Cop,” in which he names two specific officers. We have posted the song in solidarity with Antavio, all people experiencing repression for voicing legitimate … Continue reading

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Gay Club Massacre in Israel

Last Saturday a gunman opened fired in Tel Aviv gay club, killing 2 and wounding 11. Here is some sharp reflection on its meaning from our comrades at Bash Back!: TEL AVIV: PINK COMMUNITIES COALITION FORMS IN RESPONSE TO TRAGEDY … Continue reading

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San Francisco 8: Torres, last defendent, has hearing delayed

From the San Francisco Chronicle: A hearing to determine the status of one last defendant in a 38-year-old case of a slain San Francisco police officer was delayed Monday. The hearing will resume Oct. 9. Francisco Torres is the last … Continue reading

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RNC Legal Defense: Another felony conviction, another potential political prisoner

From Support Jesse James Forrey After deliberating for nearly eight hours the jurors returned with a guilty verdict…. we are staying close to Jesse and supporting each other. But this is really hard. Hopefully we’ll get it together to write … Continue reading

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39 Years Ago: The Marin County Court Shootout

August 7th, 1970, seventeen year-old Jonathon Jackson attempted to liberate his brother, George Jackson, and the rest of the Soledad Brothers by taking hostages at the Marin County Courthouse in California at the trial of San Quentin prisoner John McClain. … Continue reading

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Plan Mexico’s Prisoner

From On July 3 Mexican federal investigators pulled Juan Manuel Martínez Moreno from his prison cell to an interrogation room for the fifth time. The fierce questioning, laced with expletives and threats, had one goal: Force Martínez’s confession to … Continue reading

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