Monthly Archives: August 2009

RNC 8: Next court date announced

Wednesday, August 19 8:15am Rally, 9am Court Appearance 15. West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul Check for carpool locations from Minneapolis! *** The RNC 8 have finally been given their next court date: Wednesday, August 19 at 9am in room 1040 … Continue reading

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Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War with Birthdays in August

This is obviously a bit late, but it’s still worth writing to folks to wish them a happy birthday, even if it’s belated. Here is the list of Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War with a birthday in August. Please … Continue reading

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Fort Hood Soldier Faces Jail time for Opposing War

From Victor Agosto, a 24-year-old soldier with the III Corps, found himself in military court on Wednesday for disobeying orders that would have sent him to Afghanistan. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and demoted to private. … Continue reading

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Bash Back! Being Sued by the Alliance Defense Fund, the Time to Fundraise is Now!

In the fall of 2008, the Lansing, Michigan chapter of national queer and trans anarchist group Bash Back! descended upon anti-queer mega church Mount Hope in two strategically placed groups of disruptionists. The first of these groups diverted the attention … Continue reading

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Court: California Prisons Must Cut Prisoner Population by 40,000

From the New York Times: A panel of federal judges ordered the California prison system on Tuesday to reduce its inmate population of 150,000 by 40,000 — roughly 27 percent — within two years. The judges said that reducing prison … Continue reading

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Korea: Ssangyong occupation has ended after many police inflicted casualties

Once the fierce fighting ended yesterday (August 5, 2009), 100 strikers left the occupation throughout the night (many out of disgust at the ruthlessness of the state and company’s violence). At the end of the negotiations last week, management’s last … Continue reading

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Korea: Factory occupation evolves into street war

“The final battle will come shortly. Serious injuries occurred today. The only remaining occupied factory building is the paint department, with about 500 strikers defending it. The cops have taken control of all the rest of the surrounding buildings. The … Continue reading

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Anarchist Jeff Monson could face jail time

Professional MMA fighter and anarchist Jeff Monson faces potential jail time when sentenced this October in connection to a graffiti incident in November 2008. Anarchist grappler and MMA fighter Jeff Monson could face jail time over an alleged November 2008 … Continue reading

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How Leonard Peltier Could Leave Prison by August 18

By Harvey Wasserman For a formidable and growing global community of supporters, the prospect of Native American activist Leonard Peltier finally leaving prison inspires a longing that cuts to the depths of the soul. So Peltier’s first parole hearing of … Continue reading

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Three German “autonomes” refuse to speak to Judge Fragnoli concerning the “Tarnac Affair”

Two autonomes from Berlin and another from Hamburg received summons to appear as material witnesses on 16 and 17 July, respectively, in the so-called Tarnac Affair. They were summoned to give testimony against nine comrades (the “Tarnac 9”) in the … Continue reading

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