Filberto Ojeda Rios: U.S. covered up details of 2005 assassination of Puerto Rican Independentista

Filiberto Ojeda RiosAgents of the United States altered the scene of the death of the Macheteros commander Filiberto Ojeda on September 24, 2005, in the presence of functionaries of the government of Puerto Rico, according to newly available statements from witnesses to the bloody event

The revelations are not limited to the manner in which they removed objects from the home on the day after they killed the commander of the Boricua Popular Army Macheteros, with the forensic investigators doing nothing to avoid itor include it in the final report. In addition,an expert witness said that the flow of blood indicated that the body was moved before taking photographs de rigueur prior to removing the body.

The new information emerges, however, in moments when the thorny topic has become a sort of taboo for various sectors of the country. The lack of interest is illustrated by the Bar Association, which at one point conducted its own investigation into the event, and which has maintained silence in the face of a request for a reaction to the verified fact that the Department of Justice altered the final investigation report to eliminate the part where its attorneys affirmed that it was a murder case.

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