Monthly Archives: August 2009

Oaxaca: Day of Action for Murdered Comrade

Days of action Demanding Punishment for the Killers of Lorenzo Sampablo Cervantes Punishment for the Killers of Lorenzo Sampablo Cervantes JUSTICE FOR OAXACA!! PUNISHMENT FOR THE KILLERS OF LORENZO SAMPABLO CERVANTES!! Lorenzo Sampablo Cervantes was killed by Oaxaca … Continue reading

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Aftermath of Chino Prison Uprising

On Saturday, August 8th, prisoners at the California Institution for Men in Chino rioted, injuring of 50 people. Black and Latino prisoners burned down a dormitory, forcing the administration to close down a 1,300 bed unit. Below are recently surfaced … Continue reading

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Chilean police kill young weichafe (Mapuche warrior)

A young Mapuche weichafe (warrior), Jaime Mendoza Collío, was killed by Chilean police on August 12. A group of weichafe were reclaiming the land that is occupied by a large farm estate, San Sebastián. Police entered the farm estate heavily … Continue reading

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Call for solidarity with Greek anarchist prisoner Thodoris Iliopoulos

On the day of action, Thodoris will be on the 45th day of his hunger strike; his situation is already critical. The last prisoner of Decemberʼs revolt in Greece must be freed – now! The solidarity initiative for Thodoris Iliopoulos … Continue reading

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Tacoma: Anarchist begins serving jail sentence for “Mayday riots”

On Saturday Aug. 16th, Bryan Riggins, a Tacoma-based anarchist, started serving the 73 day (lessened from the initial 120) sentence he received stemming from the events of May Day 2008. On July 21, 2009, the events of May Day 2008 … Continue reading

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GI Resister going to prison for refusal to participate in occupation of Afghanistan

Sergeant Travis Bishop, with the US Army’s 57th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, pled not guilty at a special court martial on Thursday to two counts of missing movement, disobeying a lawful order and going absent without leave (AWOL). Friday, in a … Continue reading

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URGENT: Puerto Rican Political Prisoners Being Denied Parole and Medical Treatment

Two Puerto Rican political prisoners are facing some serious repression in prison right now.  One, Carlos Alberto Torres, has a good chance of getting parole after serving 29 years in prison, but suddenly has had false charges placed against him … Continue reading

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NAACP Calls for Civil Rights Investigation in Mumia Case

This year was the NAACP’s 100th anniversary, and while Obama’s address garnered most of the media attention another significant event took place- the NAACP passed a resolution asking Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate the case of political prisoner Mumia … Continue reading

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IRA member and British prison escapee will be deported from U.S.

from Saturday, August 15, 2009– Former Maze prisoner and long-time California resident Pól Brennan has been informed that he is to be deported from the United States at the end of next week. The Department of Homeland Security’s decision … Continue reading

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Phoenix: 44 kidnapped during ICE Raid

Although many organizations do not consider migrant workers abducted in raids by state agencies to be typical “political prisoners,” the political, social, and economic reasons that the state has attacked and arrested migrant laborers and those with questionable legal residency … Continue reading

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